4815 43 Street
Sylvan Lake , Alberta T4S 1A3
Phone: 403-887-3570
Fax: 403-887-2841
If you are interested in having your child(ren) attend a school outside your attendance area, please complete the Out of Area Request Form and return it to the school of choice.
Detailed instructions on how to fill out the registration form online,
4815 43 Street
Sylvan Lake , Alberta T4S 1A3
Phone: 403-887-3570
Fax: 403-887-2841
See which Sylvan Lake elementary school zone and district applies to you and your child.
Make online payments for Donations, Clothes, Hot Lunches, Field Trips & more!
Links to Family Activities, Divorces & Separation, Children's Well Being and more.
We are excited to welcome your child into our Chinook’s Edge School community!